The Free Patriotic Movement is an extension of the Lebanese psyche that arose along the course of General Michel Aoun’s struggle, and the period during which he ascended to power in the late eighties of the twentieth century, as an expression of the Lebanese people’s awakening in the face of external situations and their consequences. The Free Patriotic Movement defied Lebanon’s occupation, both at home and abroad, and made sacrifices in defending its freedom, sovereignty, independence, and the dignity of its people, using a pioneering behavioral approach, humanity and courage.
The Free Patriotic Movement, as a political party, seeks the renewal of the political life in Lebanon, on the basis of science, morals, and courage, and the liberation the Lebanese person.
And it is committed to work under the banner of change and reform, according to the following postulates.
The Free Patriotic Movement declares:
- Its belief that the individual is a value in himself, that people are born and die equal and that they live with rights, freedom and dignity, and they have the right to have different opinions, orientations and beliefs.
- Its commitment to the World Declaration of Human Rights, and the relevant international charters and agreements, in the sense that their values and principles guide the party’s goals and programs.
- Its contention that Lebanon is a sovereign and independent entity based on a social contract approved by the free will of its people.
- Its affirmation that Lebanon is a special human experience, thanks to its pluralism, intellectual interaction and openness to civilizations, and thanks to its pioneering democratic experience in the Arab world.
- Its respect for the Lebanese Constitution as a law for governance in Lebanon, in its application, interpretation and amendment.
- Its adherence to Lebanon’s openness to its Arab surroundings and the world, and to interacting with them in a manner that does not contradict the priority of national affiliation, provided that the Lebanese be a Lebanese extension abroad, not an external extension inside the country.
- Its conviction that women and men are equal in rights and obligations, as women are a basic partner in building the society and creating political decision-making.
The Free Patriotic Movement aspires to:
- Ensuring the sovereignty and independence of the Lebanese state, and striving to keep it that way.
- Building a state of righteousness based on the rules of equality, justice, social solidarity and equal opportunities, and maintaining a just judiciary as it is the real and impartial criterion for consolidating justice and democracy.
- Establishing democracy as a system of governance and a way of life that guarantee the respect for the citizen’s basic liberties and rights.
- Educating citizens in order to achieve equality between the Lebanese, and the establishment of an optional civil code for personal status, and the separation of political practice from religion, in pursuit of a secular state.
- Preserving the family because it is the basic cell in building the society and the nation.
- Eliminating legal and social differences between men and women, and promoting equality in practice, on the basis of competence and merit.
- Persevering in supporting the youth and enhancing its role in developing the society and revitalizing the political life.
- Enabling the Lebanese expatriates around the world to exercise their political rights in Lebanon, wherever they are, and strengthening their ties to their home country and among themselves.
- Disseminating a political culture that liberates the Lebanese from the mentality of dependency and beggary and developing the critical sense.
- Adhering to the free economic system and individual initiative, within the limits of ensuring human dignity and well-being and the principles of social justice.
- Strengthening institutional work, based on competency and the application of accountability.
- Preserving a healthy environment, as it is a natural human right and part of his being.
- Putting education within the reach of all Lebanese, spreading the Lebanese heritage, developing all sectors, and encouraging the mastering of skills, sciences and arts, to respond to the needs of society and the new age requirements.
- Spreading the culture of peace, dialogue and democracy.
We are proud of our history, and without denying our present, we strive to carry on Lebanon’s pioneering role. Today, while we are on the verge of changes knocking the doors of the region, we can be the successful democratic example that safeguards public freedoms, and the open society that can move from a state of deflation and collapse to the state of modernity and openness.
Thus, the Free Patriotic Movement Party
- Considers that the Lebanese Constitution’s immunity is above that of any other law, and therefore, the national interest must be first and foremost taken into consideration when applying and interpreting it.
- Upholds the free democratic parliamentary system at the political level as well as free economy, provided that its qualitative and self-interest application does not lead to any monopoly or deviation towards financial and social stratification which is contrary to the spirit of justice.
- Gives the Lebanese nationality its utmost attention, and refuses to grant it collectively to any group which aim is to settle in Lebanon.
- Seeks, with all its capabilities, to consolidate national awareness, build a political culture that liberates the citizen from feudal dependence and regional and sectarian fanaticism, and keep pace with the new generations’ present and future ambitions. Consequently, reinforce the Lebanese individual a in a dynamic, progressive, creative concept that fulfills his fundamental and ultimate belonging to his homeland.
- Struggles to build the modern state, purify its administration from the elements of opportunism and corruption, and reform that administration by completely reconsidering its various institutions on the basis of establishing good governance.
- Undertakes to genuinely and completely preserve the environment and fight all aggression against it, to protect the green areas, and to implement the most accurate and proper rules in spreading urbanization at the expense of the distinctive natural characteristics of Lebanon.
- Confirms that the Lebanese diaspora is a pride for this country in the four corners of the earth, and the Lebanese state must take care of it by various means. And the first thing that the party demands is the unification of the Lebanese diaspora and the creation of an accurate scientific census for all the Lebanese expatriates wherever they are, and to benefit from their enormous capabilities in all fields, and to secure a mechanism so they exercise their right to vote and to run for elections from their country of residence.
This is part of our charter, which is summed up in our attempt to make Lebanon the home of man. And we have always been sure that we will not be able to achieve what we aspire to except through a reform program that we have prepared in advance and on the basis of which we fought the parliamentary elections. This program that aims at cutting off corruption and taking the country forward towards progress and prosperity, we, in the Free Patriotic Movement, will strive to implement it.
The Message Of The FPM
Completed on September 3rd, 2007
The Free Patriotic Movement aspires to build a free, independent Lebanese state, open on the Arab countries and the rest of the world and interacting with them. It also wants it a righteous, secular and democratic state, in which the individual human being, male or female, has value on his own, and based on this the content of rights, freedom and dignity would be set, regardless of how the individual may differ from others of different factional affiliations, and he would be free from all internal and external dependencies, guardianship and servitude.
The party is aware that the most important thing that prompted the public opinion to support it during the battle of liberating the homeland, on top of the cause’s righteousness to achieve sovereignty for which the party struggled, was its people’s reputation which basic pillars were the unwavering alignment with the national and moral values and principles, the courage in the face of dangers and challenges, the dedication in defending what is right in words and in deeds, their respect for each other and their solidarity among themselves, their recognition of others’ right to differ, as well as what accompanies all this of exaltation, uprightness, cleanliness of hands, and putting the common interest ahead of all other interests.
It is also aware that its ability to continue to attract the public opinion’s support in its struggle for the goals that embody its message, is up to its people to remain responsible and active, to the maximum of consistency in this morality.
And because those affiliated with the party are determined to succeed in getting the support of the public opinion in their pursuit of the goals aforementioned, a determination that is unmatched except by their holding on to their heritage of which they are proud. Thus, they announce the continuous adoption of this morality as a supreme base, to which they go back in regulating their conduct towards each other and towards others. And for that, they collectively expect from each one of them, whether in a leadership position or in the position of an activist, to do all he can to embrace the following values as the basis for the partisan life, and then translate them into action as listed below within the patterns of behavior and conduct, considering these patterns as a measure of reward and punishment for the party’s dealings with its members.
The Values Of the Free Patriotic Movement And The Behavior Of Its Members
A member of the Free Patriotic Movement, in accordance with the aforementioned, always strives to be distinguished by the following values and behavior:
In Righteousness
- Avoids gossip, profane expressions, and devious methods in dealing with others.
- Possesses clean hands, transparency and integrity, and strives to combat corruption.
- Accepts accounting willingly.
- Holds tight to conscience and belief in duty.
- Refrains from thrusting the party in what does not concern it and using it for personal purposes.
- Speaks the truth and bears witness to it.
In Commitment
- Performs the party duties seriously and with concentration and refrains from authoritarianism and arbitrariness.
- Stands in solidarity with comrades and defends them in the face of attacks.
- Adheres to the party’s decisions and works to implement them with drive and loyalty.
- Keeps secret the party’s private affairs.
- Maintains calm and self-control in all circumstances.
- Respects the party’s structure, vertically and horizontally, and abides by the party’s charter and regulations.
- Seeks to spread the spirit of brotherhood, enhance trust, and reject differences, jealousy and envy inside the party.
- Participates voluntarily in the party’s various activities and contributes to meeting its needs and spreading its principles.
- Puts the party’s general issues above his or her own.
- Fulfills the promises and pledges made voluntarily, and correlates words with actions.
In Fairness
- Behaves towards others as one would like others to act towards him or her.
- Wields power gracefully, associating firmness with justice and strength with right.
- Works on the principle of equality and encourages honest and democratic competition.
- Appreciates the comrades’ sacrifices and efforts, and refrains from distorting their image for whatever reason.
In Openness
- Avoids prejudices.
- Deals with others realistically and with flexibly.
- Accepts the other and respects his right to differ.
- Longs for more knowledge and experience.
- Sees constructive criticism as a way to improve performance.
- Listens to others attentively and discusses with understanding, putting his or her experience at their disposal.
- Spreads the spirit of fun away from mockery.
In The Elevation
- Bears responsibility for every error or failure.
- Accepts the results of democratic competitions with sportsmanship.
- Renounces positions and holds the public interest above the private one.
- Considers political work a way for public service and not for showoff or self-benefit.
- Resists temptations of all kinds.
- Establishes humility and respect as the basis of the relationship with others and is content to work in the shadows when necessary.
In Courage
- Takes initiatives and bears responsibility without recklessness.
- Anticipates enemies and opponents and does not fear them.
- Perseveres in the face of obstacles and endures hardships with determination.
- Professes own convictions and defends them boldly.
- Dares to make decisions in difficult situations.
- Presents ideas boldly and discusses all what is misunderstood.
- Develops the critical sense of discussion, and exercises constructive criticism towards oneself and others. People perpetuate with the permanence of morals, and they dissolve with their dissolution.