Charbel Maroun
Date of Birth
Marital Status
Married to Samia Massaad. Father of Kamil, Karen and Kristy.
Master degree in management and information technology, Université de droit d’économie et des sciences, Provence, France.
- Consultant for more than 22 years for local and international companies, public sector and ngo’s.
- Consultant for many SME’s to help them improve their their business operations by featuring leading practices and international standards.
Political Engagements
- Active since he was a student at the Lebanese University.
- Co-founder of FPM West Bekaa/Rachaya district committee.
- Coordinator of of FPM West Bekaa/Rachaya district committee 2010-2015.
- Member and advisor to the FPM cenrral committee for Administration and Reviews.
- Advisor at the Ministry of Energy 2017-2018.
Worth Mentioning
- He revived numerous projects related to water, sewage and electricity networks that were paralyzed for years, and placed them on the execution track.
- He pioneered the project of renovating 2 abandoned churches, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in one of West Bekaa villages.
- He took part in the afforestation of many mountainous areas in West Bekaa.